I've been hiding out for the last week or so, busy with school and getting ready for my weekend away this past weekend so while I've been reading blogs on my blackberry I haven't posted in a whole week.
Ok so lets see whats been up......
I got my bodybugg last Tuesday and wore it for my first full day on Wednesday and I have to say I already love it though I did keep it off for my weekend in Maine as I spent all 3 days at the beach and knew I wasn't going to be getting too much activity or tracking food. I was excited to put it back on this morning though my activity was pretty low again today since I spent about 4 hours in the car.
I'm back to tracking and exercise tomorrow and based on the scale the damage from my mini-vacation doesn't look too bad. I weighed in Friday before I left at 175.2 though I accidently deleted the pic on my phone while trying to make room for more pics over the weekend, and when I weighed in when I got home today it was 175.6 - a .4 gain for a weekend of good food and drinks is totally worth it. I'm counting todays weigh-in as my one for the week which gives me a 1 lb loss for the week which is great considering.
I also had a pretty good NSV - I had bought a tankini on clearance at Target back in March or so and hadn't bothered to try it on because it was like $10 total for both pieces and when I got home and tried it on I was annoyed that I bought it because there was no way this suit was going to be worn any time in the near future the way it looked then.....but I wore it this weekend and while it still could have looked a little better, it looked pretty darn good the way it was.
I've decided to follow the lead of
Whitney at Slimming Down for the Gown and
Sarah at Operation Size 8 and cut out out the diet soda completely. I think I'm using it as a crutch to avoid drinking as much water as I should be and if I make the move to lay off of it totally it should help with my water intake and my overall weight loss. So thats my goal for the next few weeks, stop the soda and I really really want to get into the 160's!!!!
Congrats on not having a serious gain over your vacation! Looks like the beach behind that beautiful woman was amazing!!
I'd love to hear more about your body bugg and what you think. I'm considering buying one, but want to be sure. Is it comfortable to wear? What do you like best about it? Do you find it to be accurate? Thanks!
In response to your bodybugg questions
1. I don't even realize I have it one most of the time its so comfortable.
2. I think my favorite thing about it so far is that I feel I can get a much more accurate idea of what I'm burning with it then by just figuring out my bmr. I always have trouble determining what level of activity I actually am at when it comes to the bmr calculators and with the bodybugg it just tell me what I'm burning without me trying to guess where I fit within the activity parameters on a chart.
3. For the time I've used it so far I do think it's quite accurate. My son and I take long walks just about everyday and I can see those on the tracking plus I can see the spikes during the other times of the day that I know I'm being more active.
So far I'm a very happy camper.
Yay on the Bodybugg! I've gone back and forth on getting one...can't wait to hear more about it!
You can do it! Awesome NSV!!!
I gave you a blog award!! Come on by to see. http://tracitreasures.blogspot.com/
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