
Yep...I'm back too.

Over the last couple day's I've noticed my blog feed getting busier and busier. Everyone seems to be making a fresh start at this weight loss thing. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels like a big failure but is ready to move forward. Onward and upward...ahem.... I mean downward. I'm starting the new year not anywhere near where I wanted to. My weight has gone up, up, up along with my caloric intake and my activity level has plummeted to nothing.
I'll post the damage tomorrow along with a picture of what the scale says. It's not going to be pretty.
I've read some of my favorite bloggers talking about kicking 2012's ass and that's just what I plan to do as well. I've got my weight watchers app downloaded to my iphone as well as my imapmyrun app and I'm ready to kick 2012's ass. Who's in?


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